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Compare A Cruise: Valparaiso to Los Angeles by Wings Birding Tours vs Best of Chile Itinerary 14 Days by Say Hueque

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Duration 18 days 14 days
Price From $ 3,100 $ 3,365
Price Per Day $ 172 $ 240
  • Visit the tropical dry forest of Montibelli Nature Reserve
  • We’ll drive south to visit some coastal wetlands and agricultural fields full of new species
  • First opportunity to see Inca Tern, Humboldt Penguin, Guanay Cormorant, Peruvian Booby, and Peruvian Diving-Petrel
  • Chile, have a long drive to the remote Frey Jorge National Park
  • Fabulous birding around Pisco, Peru, a place mostly known for the eponymous Peruvian national drink, pisco, a grape brandy produced in the area
  • Visit Atacama/Sechura Desert, one of the driest places in the world
  • Begin your 2-week trip through Chile in the north, in the surprisingly beautiful desert of San Pedro de Atacama.
  • Travel south with our tours to Torres del Paine and discover the wild nature of Patagonia.
  • Finish your Chile itinerary by selecting one (or more!) Of our best tours in Santiago de Chile.
  • Best time to travel: October to April
Trip Style Large ship cruise Self-guided tour
Lodging Level Standard Standard
Physical Level
  • 2- Easy
  • 2- Easy
Travel Themes
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • Birding
  • National Parks
  • Small Ship Cruise
  • Cultural
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • National Parks
Countries Visited
Cities and Attractions
  • Atacama Desert
  • Galapagos
  • Valparaiso
  • Andes Mountains
  • Atacama Desert
  • Mount Fuji
  • Patagonia
  • Puerto Varas
  • Punta Arenas
  • Santiago
  • Torres del Paine National Park
  • Valparaiso
Flights & Transport Ground transport included Ground transport included
  • Bird watching
  • Dolphin Swim
  • Nature
  • Sailing
  • Whale watching
  • Wildlife viewing
  • Culture
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding & Equestrian
  • Kayaking
  • Nature
  • Trekking
Meals Included N/A N/A

This repositioning cruise offers an amazing opportunity to bird the eastern Pacific, beginning at latitude 33° south in Valparaiso and ending the trip at the same latitude but north, in Los Angeles! It includes nine full days of seabirding and seven days on land. During the landings we’ll bird such diverse habitats as Chilean matorral scrub, the Sechura Desert in Peru, tropical forest in Costa Rica, and dry forest in Nicaragua. Just before arriving in Los Angeles, we’ll explore the arid scrubland of Baja California in Mexico, a habitat similar to the one found in the north of Chile. At least 10 species of storm-petrel are possible, including some that are very difficult to see on coastal pelagic trips, such as Hornby’s, Markham’s, and White-bellied. Possible gadfly petrels include Juan Fernandez, De Filippi’s, Kermadec, and Tahiti Petrels, along with Galapagos (Waved) Albatross, Parkinson’s Petrel, Peruvian Diving-Petrel, Swallow-tailed Gull, and who knows what else. With luck we may even encounter the critically endangered Townsend’s Shearwater!

  From the longest mountain range in the world to one of the driest deserts on the planet, discover destinations beyond your imagination when you travel to Chile for this 14-day itinerary. Visit Puerto Varas, where you can enjoy the lush landscape of Chile's Lake District and the coastal cities of Viña del Mar and Valparíso.

Itinerary: A Cruise: Valparaiso to Los Angeles

Day 1:

We’ll meet for boarding our ship this afternoon in Valparaiso, Chile. As our ship departs in the evening, our birding experience will begin: we’ll have our first opportunity to see Inca Tern, Humboldt Penguin, Guanay Cormorant, Peruvian Booby, and Peruvian Diving-Petrel. Very soon we’ll find our first albatrosses; Salvin’s is usually the commonest species here, along with various shearwaters and petrels.

Day 2:

We’ll leave the ship as soon as it arrives in the harbor of Coquimbo, Chile, as we have a long drive to the remote Frey Jorge National Park. The lowest part of the park is covered by semiarid scrubland, where many of the Chilean endemics are quite common, including Chilean Tinamou, Moustached Turca, White-throated Tapaculo, Chilean Mockingbird, and Dusky-tailed Canastero. Beside these endemics we’ll have great chances to find the superb Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Burrowing Owl, Striped Woodpecker, the elegant Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail, and flocks of Common Diuca-Finch. Even the rare Great Shrike-tyrant can be found here!

At higher elevation is the northernmost patch of Valdivian temperate rain forest. That forest survives here thanks to the dense coastal fog (camanchaca in Spanish), which hangs on the mountain slopes and moistens the subtropical vegetation. Here we may find Thorn-tailed Rayadito together with Chilean (White-crested) Elaenia. Our ship departs in the afternoon for Pisco, Peru.

Days 3–4:

We’ll have two full days at sea on the Humboldt Current, from Coquimbo to Pisco, Peru. The incredible productivity of the Humboldt Current attracts amazing numbers of seabirds, some of them breeding as far away as New Zealand, Antarctica, and Alaska. During these two days of seabirding we should see Salvin’s, Black-browed, and Buller’s Albatrosses, together with the more common Sooty and Pink-footed Shearwaters. March is also a very good time to find Buller’s Shearwater in this part of the Pacific.

On this stretch of the trip we should find our first Pterodroma petrels, and we can expect good numbers of De Filippi’s (Masatierra) Petrel, along with smaller numbers of Juan Fernandez Petrel. These two days should also provide our best chance to see the poorly known Hornby’s (Ringed) and Markham Storm-Petrels. Markham’s has recently been found breeding in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, but the breeding grounds of Ringed Storm-Petrel remain a mystery. Both species are difficult to see during pelagic trips that stay close to the coast, and our cruise is probably one of the best ways to see them both. Beside the tubenoses we may find our first Swallow-tailed Gulls, wintering jaegers (all three species), and Chilean Skuas.

March is also a good time to find several species of whales migrating north from the feeding grounds to the breeding grounds. The most common species here are Fin, Humpback, and Blue Whales, and far from the coast we may also get the chance to see pods of Southern Right-whale Dolphins, one of the most beautiful creatures on earth.

Day 5:

Today we’ll be birding around Pisco, Peru, a place mostly known for the eponymous Peruvian national drink, pisco, a grape brandy produced in the area. The morning will be spent at the Ballestas Islands, which were formerly colonized by hundreds of thousands of Peruvian Boobies, Peruvian Pelicans, and Guanay Cormorants, and covered by several meters of guano. In the 1840s the guano came to be prized as a source of saltpeter for gunpowder, as well as for agricultural fertilizer, and Spain even fought a war with Peru and Chile for that precious resource.

Nowadays, even though the populations of these birds have declined, it is still possible to see thousands of boobies, pelicans, and cormorants during a visit to these islands. We also have a good chance of finding a few Humboldt Penguins, as well as the beautiful Inca Tern and Red-legged Cormorant. South American Sea Lions form big colonies on the beaches of the islands, and with some luck we may even find a group of Bottlenose Dolphins.

We’ll have a picnic lunch on the coast between Paracas and Pisco, scanning the mudflats for wintering shorebirds, Belcher’s Gull, Chilean Flamingoes, and Royal and Elegant Terns. After lunch we’ll spend a couple of hours in the agricultural fields near Pisco, where we’ll search for Chestnut-throated Seedeater, Long-tailed Mockingbird, Peruvian Meadowlark, and Peruvian Thick-knee. Back on board we’ll continue our cruise north toward Callao, the Lima harbor.

Day 6:

Arriving in Callao, Peru, we’ll drive south to visit some coastal wetlands and agricultural fields full of new species. The diversity and abundance of waterbirds here is amazing, and species include White-cheeked Pintail, Great Grebe, Little Blue Heron, Puna Ibis, Slate-colored Coot, Plumbeous Rail, the stunning Many-colored Rush-tyrant, and the cryptic Wren-like Rushbird. With luck we may even find the secretive Least Bittern and the vocally distinct southern population of Black Rail, a species yet to be split.

The agricultural fields are no less interesting, and we have a great chance of finding exciting species like Amazilia Hummingbird, Bran-colored Flycatcher (of the coastal rufescens race), Peruvian Elaenia (a forthcoming split of White-crested Elaenia), Long-tailed Mockingbird, Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, and the local dark morph of Vermilion Flycatcher.

Day 7:

After a night back on board in the Callao harbor we’ll leave early for the Lomas de Lachay National Reserve. Located in the extremely arid Atacama/Sechura Desert, one of the driest places in the world, the reserve features a unique mist-fed ecosystem. During the humid season (June to November) the dense clouds make moist contact with the peculiar geography of that area, and that humidity gives life to more than 150 species of plants and 80 species of birds.

We’ll be there during the middle of the dry season, and even if less interesting from a botanical perspective, we’ll have good opportunities to find some of the exceptional birds of this remarkable area, including Thick-billed Miner, Cactus Canastero, Greyish and Coastal Miners, Andean Tinamou, Peruvian Thick-knee, Least Seedsnipe, Band-tailed Sierra-Finch, and the rare Raymondi’s Yellow-Finch. We’ll be back aboard in late afternoon in Callao, ready to continue our Pacific trip.

Days 8–10:

We’ll have three full days at sea on the way to Puntarenas, Costa Rica. No fewer than eight species of storm-petrel are possible: Hornby’s, Markham’s, White-bellied, White-faced, Elliot’s, Band-rumped (two different populations, likely full species), Wedge-rumped, and Leach’s. Since we’ll be sailing east of the Galapagos Islands, we can expect to see a few seabird species that breed there, such as Swallow-tailed Gull, Waved Albatross, Galapagos Petrel, and perhaps even Galapagos Shearwater. The White-chinned and Westland Petrels that we will likely have seen in cooler waters farther south should be replaced here by the warmer-water Parkinson’s Petrel. We’ll also have a good chance of finding Red-tailed and Red-billed Tropicbirds, Red-footed, Masked, and Nazca Boobies, and gadfly petrels including Juan Fernandez, Kermadec, Black-winged, and Tahiti. Few birders have visited this part of the Pacific Ocean, and we could make some interesting discoveries. The numerous marine mammal species in this area include the handsome Striped and Fraser’s Dolphins and the legendary Sperm Whale. There should also be some spectacular flyingfish in these tropical blue waters.

Day 11:

After arrival in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, we’ll drive toward Carara National Park to enjoy some tropical forest birding, quite a contrast after three days at sea. Birds we’ll be seeking here include Scarlet Macaw, Orange-collared Manakin, Baird’s and Black-headed Trogons, Black-bellied and Rufous-breasted Wrens, Black-hooded Antshrike, Fiery-billed Aracari, Cherrie’s Tanager, Golden-naped Woodpecker, Royal Flycatcher, Black-throated Trogon, Costa Rican Swift, and Chestnut-mandibled Toucan, to name just a few! Back on board in the evening, we’ll head northward again.

Day 12:

After arriving at San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, we’ll visit the tropical dry forest of Montibelli Nature Reserve. Among many new species possible here we’ll be looking for Plain Chachalaca, Stripe-throated Hermit, Cinnamon Hummingbird, Turquoise-browed Motmot, Hoffmann’s Woodpecker, and the handsome Long-tailed Manakin.

Days 13–15:

We’ll have three full days at sea, between Nicaragua and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, at the tip of Baja California, the longest peninsula in the world. As with other waters we’ve traveled through, very few birders have explored this part of the Pacific, so the potential for surprises is pretty high! Among the expected new species on this stretch are Black and Least Storm-Petrels, Wedge-tailed Shearwater, and Cook’s Petrels that are migrating north from their breeding grounds in New Zealand. There should still be Red-footed and Masked Boobies accompanying the ship, Red-tailed Tropicbirds coming in to check us out, and perhaps Tahiti Petrels or even Christmas Shearwaters, both of which migrate through these waters at this season. Of course, Townsend’s Shearwater will be in our dreams, and with luck we may come across this rare and critically endangered species!

Day 16:

We’ll have a full morning exploring the desert and marshes near Cabo San Lucas. We should find some of the Baja endemics, including Gray Thrasher, the endangered and highly localized Belding’s Yellowthroat, and with luck the stunning Xantus’s Hummingbird. Others species here include Pyrrhuloxia, Gilded Flicker, California Gnatcatcher, Cactus Wren, and even Greater Roadrunner.

Day 17:

This will be our last full day at sea, sailing north toward Los Angeles, California. New pelagic species we may add during this last stretch of our remarkable pelagic transit include Black-vented Shearwater, the recently split Scripps’s and Guadalupe Murrelets, Cassin’s Auklet, and even Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses.

Day 18:

We’ll arrive at the port of Los Angeles in the early morning, disembarking in time to catch flights home.

Itinerary: Best of Chile Itinerary 14 Days

Day 1: Welcome to Your 2-Week Travel Itinerary to Chile - Puerto Varas

Transfer from Puerto Montt airport to Puerto Varas – Day at leisure

Upon arrival in Puerto Montt, the lakeside gateway to Chilean Patagonia, you’ll travel by land to Puerto Varas, which is just 30 min. away. Welcome to Puerto Varas, the first stop in your 2-week travel itinerary to Chile!

This beautiful lakeside town, better known as the “City of Roses”, is the gateway city to the Chilean Lake District, and faces the great Osorno Volcano.

First inhabited by German immigrants, Puerto Varas has kept most of its traditional architecture; wooden houses, alerce trees, and German Jesuit churches can be seen all over the place, as well as rose bushes covering every street.

On your first evening in Puerto Varas, visit the rose bushes in Plaza de Armas, or go to Parque Phillipi’s viewpoint to admire Lake Llanquihue from above, walk the different pathways inside the park, and zipline from one treetop to another in the adventure activity center of the park.

Day 2: Osorno Volcano & Petrohue Falls - Puerto Varas

Visit Osorno Volcano and Petrohué Falls

Start the day with a pick-up at your hotel in Puerto Varas and begin your route to the town of Ensenada, visiting the enchanting Laguna Verde, Spanish for “Green Lagoon,” at the foot of Osorno Volcano within Vicente Perez Rosales National Park. From Ensenada, your ascent to the Osorno Volcano Ski Center will begin.

Take a moment to enjoy the amazing views; the snow-capped summit of the volcano, the nearby ancient glaciers and volcanoes (like Calbuco), and the teal-colored vastness of the Pacific Ocean.

Then, it’s time to hike in the Vicente Rosales National Park, the oldest National Park in Chile, which is known for its hot springs, and Todos los Santos Lake, one of the most crystalline lakes in southern Chile.

Near this beautiful lake, you’ll reach the Petrohúe Falls, an obligatory stop if you’re in Vicente Rosales National Park. These amazing waterfalls, formed by ancient lava traces, are surrounded by the incredible Osorno volcano and the Valdivian forest, two natural wonders of Chile that you’ll enjoy in this 2-week travel itinerary. At the end of the visit, we’ll drive you back to your hotel in Puerto Varas.

Day 3: Day at Leisure - Puerto Varas

Day at leisure in Puerto Varas – Optional tour Paso el Solitario hike
This is your free day in Puerto Varas; you have no activities scheduled for today!

But… if you still want to get active, we recommend that you add an optional day tour to experience the “Paso el Solitario “ hike, starting at the base of Osorno Volcano.

Accompanied by your local guide, you’ll reach the base of the volcano and start a moderate-difficulty trek (called Paso el Solitario) that will last about 3 hours, crossing lush woods of native vegetation, like the Ulmo and Cohiue trees.

Enjoy the amazing views of Osorno and Calbuco Volcanoes while walking at your own pace over an irregular, though not challenging, terrain. The valley of Petrouhúe River and Llanquihué Lake (the second largest in Chile) will suddenly appear in the picture, and you’ll make a stop to eat your boxed lunch in the wild. Finally, reach the lava fields left by the last eruption of Osorno Volcano. At the end of the trail, we’ll be waiting to take you back to Puerto Varas.

Day 4: Bike City Tour - Puerto Natales

Transfer to Puerto Varas airport – Transfer to your hotel in Puerto Natales

Today, you’ll fly to Puerto Natales on Patagonia Chilena, the gateway city to the famous Torres del Paine National Park, one of the most important natural preserves in the world. You’ll be transferred from your hotel in Puerto Varas to your hotel upon arrival in Puerto Natales.

Bike city tour in Puerto Natales

To discover the city, you will explore it actively. Join your biking group at the meeting point downtown and meet your guide for the following 3 hours. Ride along beautiful streets, and spot important monuments. Continue to the renewed waterfront, and reach the Braun Blanchard Pier. Finally, visit the famous Arturo Prat main square and dig into the culture of Puerto Natales.

Day 5: Day at Leisure - Puerto Natales

Optional tour to Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers

You have no tour scheduled for this day, but Balmaceda and Serrano’s navigation is our recommendation! Take a fully-equipped boat to sail the Last Hope Channel for about 3 hours.

See different natural highlights from your boat (like a hidden waterfall) while enjoying a hot coffee on board. Spot wildlife like the toninas (Magellanic dolphins), and seal lions in Punta Lobos.

Reach El Toro Port and entrail a 1-hour guided hike through forest and lagoonshore to Serrano Glacier. End the day with a tasty Patagonian lunch and a whiskey toast in Perales Ranch. Finally, return to Puerto Natales.

Day 6: Day-Trip to Torres del Paine National Park

Full-day trip to Torres del Paine National Park

Today we’ll pick you up early at your hotel to take you to the first stop of this 10-hour adventurous trip: Milodon Cave. This natural monument, located 15 miles north of town, is composed of three caverns and a rocky conglomerate called Silla del Diablo (Devil’s Chair), due to its chair-like shape.

Before getting to the cave, we will pass by La Silla del Diablo and learn about its mysterious legend…a story told by the oldest man in Patagonia who believed that the Devil appeared to those who came to look for him on nights.

We’ll keep on traveling to Torres del Paine National Park, and on the way, you’ll get to see Sofia Lagoon, Prat Range, Porteño Lake, and the stunning Grey Lake viewpoint. You’ll go over Serrano Bridge and continue to the Grey Lake sector, where you’ll have time to walk along the shore. Once you return to the parking lot, we’ll take you to a restaurant to rest and have lunch (lunch is not included in our service).

After lunch, we’ll head to the Salto Grande sector. You’ll visit the Nordenskjold Lake viewpoint before continuing on a sinuous route to the Amarga Lagoon area. We’ll also make a stop at Paine’s turquoise waterfall, whose waters come directly from the Paine River.

Heading back to Puerto Natales, we’ll stop at Sarmiento Lake viewpoint to take one last picture of the stunning Torres del Paine.

Day 7: Continue Your Travel Itinerary to Chile - Santiago de Chile

Transfer to Puerto Natales airport

Today, a shuttle will pick you up from your hotel and take you to Puerto Natales airport, where you’ll catch your flight to Santiago, the modern and vibrant capital of Chile.

One-night stop in Santiago de Chile

This is only a stop in your journey! You’ll spend this night at our selected hotel inside the airport (walking distance from the disembarking area) because tomorrow you’ll fly to Calama, the gateway to San Pedro de Atacama, the jumping-off city to visit the Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth.

Day 8: Cejar Lagoon Tour - Arrive at San Pedro de Atacama

Flight to Calama and transfer to your hotel in San Pedro de Atacama

After breakfast, take your flight to Calama where, upon arrival, you’ll be driven to your accommodation in San Pedro de Atacama, just 2 hours away.

This city of little adobe houses, unpaved streets, and cozy restaurants, is the base to begin exploring one of Chile’s most spectacular environments. You are beginning an adventurous journey that involves multicolored moon-type landscapes, incredible geysers, and huge volcanoes!

Visit Cejar and Tebenquiche Lagoons

In the afternoon, take your first tour in Atacama and visit the Cejar and Tebenquiche Lagoons, inside the great Atacama Salt Flats, where you’ll be able to bathe in their clear turquoise waters with an amazing volcano backdrop.

Then, step into the heart of the salt flats and visit the “Ojo del Salar” (Salt Flats’ Eyes), two round freshwater wellsprings in the middle of the desert, where you’ll enjoy a delicious appetizer next to the impressive Andes Mountain Range.

At the end of this relaxing trip, we’ll drive you back to San Pedro de Atacama to enjoy the rest of the evening eating a pastel de choclo (a corn-based cake) at one of the cozy restaurants on Caracoles Street (the main road). Be bold in this secluded corner of the globe, and mingle with locals while you explore on the unpaved roads.

Day 9: Visit the Highland Lakes - San Pedro De Atacama

Discover the Highland Lakes

Today, you’ll travel 40 miles to the north of Atacama Salt Flats, one of the most exciting destinations in your travel itinerary to Chile! Start the day by visiting the Chaxa Lagoon, one of the best places to see flamingos inside the natural reserve. Discover the salt crusts, produced by the evaporation of water, which cover the land from North to South as you move your way through the desert to reach the Highland Lakes, at an altitude of 14,000 feet.

Miscanti and Miñiques, better known as the Highland Lakes, are two neighboring lagoons formed by the eruption of the Meñique Volcano, which can be seen in the background of these pristine waters. Take a lovely picture next to the Meñique Lagoon, which is shaped like a giant blue heart!

Continue your journey by visiting the village of Socaire, where you can taste the best Atacamenian cuisine, and the town of Toconao, an oasis in the middle of the Atacama Desert. Fruits and vegetables grow freely in this village which is made entirely from volcanic stone (known as ‘liparita’ stone). After exploring these interesting examples of the culture of Atacamenians, we’ll drive you back to San Pedro de Atacama.

Day 10: Tatio Geysers and Moon Valley - San Pedro de Atacama

Visit Geysers del Tatio geothermal fields

This morning, you’ll see two highlights of the Atacama region: Geysers del Tatio and The Moon Valley. This is a full-day experience and your last day in Atacama!

First, you will travel to where the crevices of the Earth exhale their millenary breath. At about 4 a.m., we’ll pick you up to take you 60 miles away from San Pedro de Atacama into the Andes to see the geothermal field of Geysers del Tatio (the highest in the world).

Here, you’ll see 40 geysers and 70 hot springs fighting against the super low temperatures of the first morning hours (their waters can reach up to 185 °F). Take the most impressive photos, swim in the Tatio Spring’s rich mineral waters, and enjoy a complete breakfast with this magnificent backdrop.

On your way back, visit the quaint village of Machuca (at 13000 f.o.s.l), with barely 20 adobe houses and a traditional church that locals visit daily to ask the Virgin to give them water. This is the perfect opportunity to get closer to the inner mountain culture of the region, and to try one of the best sopaipillas in Chile (a fried tortilla)!

Visit to Moon Valley in the afternoon

In the afternoon jump on a 4-hour adventure in the Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley), an out-of-this-world place. Driving straight to the desert, we’ll start noticing mysterious forms of salt and clay as we get closer to the “Three Marias”.

These statues are the female guardians of this cosmic desert, so don’t forget to bow and make a wish for these beautiful monuments. The Atacama Desert is one of the world’s driest and most hostile zones.

After this first encounter, take a winding and hidden path to the Salt Caves, and discover the peculiar salt gemstones that have formed over centuries from the lack of humidity and the altitude of this zone.

The highlight of your adventure will appear at sunset when all the colors of this incredible landscape change their palette. The forbidding Licancabur Volcano will turn pink while the valley awaits the rise of its lunar mother. After the excursion, you will be dropped off in downtown Atacama, and from there you can make your way back to your hotel on your own.

Day 11: Continue Your Travel Itinerary to Santiago - Santiago de Chile

Transfer to Calama airport / Transfer to your hotel in Santiago
Today we’ll take you to Calama airport for your flight to Santiago, the bustling capital of Chile. Upon arrival, you’ll be driven to your accommodation for the next 3 days.

Between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, this modern city offers all kinds of attractions for curious travelers. From different viewpoints in the city, you can see the natural beauties surrounding Santiago; the snow-capped mountains, and the beautiful Valle del Maipo, where the best Chilean wine is produced.

Santiago de Chile is known as the home of Pisco Sour, the delicious Cabernet Sauvignon, and the “Sanhattan” district, which is a stylish fusion between Manhattan and Santiago, and heaven on earth for enthusiastic shoppers.

Day 12: Viña del Mar & Valparaiso Tour - Santiago de Chile

Full-day visit to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso

Today, we’ll pick you up from your hotel and take you on a full-day visit to Valparaíso, the most important port of Chile. Why visit Valparaiso? This unforgettable city, constructed on the steep slope of a hill, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and shows off the unique art and culture of Chile.

Starting in Plaza Victoria, covered by Peruvian sculptures, we’ll continue to explore downtown and Plaza Sotomayor, until finally reaching the Prat port. From there we’ll take our first gondola of the day and head to the beautiful Palacio Baburizza, constructed in 1916. Pass by the colorful houses that stare down from above the city and the bay, and descend once again by taking another gondola.

Leaving Valparaiso, we’ll head to Viña del Mar, the favorite Chilean summer vacation destination. Enjoy a relaxing evening walking on the coast and the pier which extends into the Pacific Ocean, and visit the beautiful “Reloj de Flores”, a giant clock that is entirely made of flowers. At the end of the day, we’ll drive you back to your hotel in Santiago de Chile.

Day 13: Day at Leisure - Santiago de Chile

Day at leisure – Optional visit to a winery

You don’t have any scheduled activities for today… but, we recommend that you keep on exploring! Santiago de Chile is an exciting city, full of history and architectural treasures.

If you want to add an optional day tour, we highly suggest that you take a full day to explore Santiago de Chile and tour the Concha y Toro Winery, one of the most famous wine producers in the area.

It would go like this… First, we’ll pick you up from your hotel to discover the Palacio de la Moneda (a governmental building) where Salvador Allende, the popular socialist president, killed himself just before the last military coup in 1973, and Santiago’s Cathedral, the main Catholic bastion of Chile. After finishing this urban exploration, we’ll leave the city and head to the countryside to visit a time-honored bodega (winery) called Concha y Toro (30 miles to the south).

Wander around ancient vineyards, which have seen several generations of the Concha y Toro family, try delicious wines, and choose which is your favorite. This immersive experience will end at the wine bar, where you’ll be free to taste all the beverages you would like, and we’ll drive you back safe and sound to your hotel in Santiago.

Day 14:  The End of Your 2-Week Travel Itinerary to Chile

Transfer from your hotel to Santiago de Chile’s airport
Time to go home, but not empty-handed! At the appropriate time, we’ll take you to the airport to take your flight back home.

Is there still a place that you missed visiting? Maybe a traditional dish you couldn’t taste, or a hill you couldn’t hike? Don’t fret… because we have many more trips to South America to recommend.


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