New Zealand Tour & Trip Reviews | Travelstride

New Zealand Tour & Trip Reviews

406 reviewsAverage rating 4.6262 trips

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New Zealand Tour & Trip Ratings

4.6/5  Excellent

441 - 406 of 406 Reviews shown

Editor’s Take

What to Look For in New Zealand Tour Reviews

Most trip reviews tend to focus on some or all of these 5 key areas, not all of which may be relevant to you: the tour guide, travel company, service level, country or countries traveled in, and the trip itinerary.

Remember, just because you see a 1 star review doesn’t necessarily mean that person disliked the country.

Many tours in New Zealand are adventure based, so a sense of safety, guide knowledge and competence are very important factors for reviewers of New Zealand tours.

Even though New Zealand is quite small, it can be easy to try and cram way too much into the tour itinerary - including quite long drives to get from place to place. Be sure to read the itineraries for New Zealand tours carefully to get a sense of the transportation time, and number of days spent in each place. If you’re looking for a slower pace, you don’t want to be disappointed!

When reading New Zealand reviews, it’s also important to bear in mind that tours of New Zealand often include Australia as well. For those travelers who have to travel a very long way to get to the Oceania region (which is most people!), this can be an excellent way to maximize your vacation time.

However, it also has the potential to feel like you barely skim the surface of what these incredible countries have to offer. Negative reviews may have been hoping for a more relaxed pace, and ended up feeling hectic the whole time instead.

Accommodations in New Zealand are usually up to westernized standards, with plenty of amenities available. If you are camping or staying in small towns, of course, expect to deal with some factors like wildlife and weather.

If you want a professional take on traveling in New Zealand, see the Travelstride new Zealand Guide »

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